The Agnam-Goly village is a remote place where local people do not have Internet access and services such as photocopying machines or scanning and receiving and faxing documents. The only cybercafé is 80 miles away from the village and it takes a whole day to go in Ourossogui where the Internet connection is available. The idea is to connect the Agnam-Goly village to the rest of the world through Internet. The Pellital's Cyberspace project will provide:
- Internet access for Agnam-Goly and its neighbor villages,
- Services such as photocopying, printing, scanning, receiving and faxing information,
- And computer fundamentals training in French.
Actually, we are encouraging a young student of the village who is doing a computer fundamentals and network training in Dakar, the capital city of Senegal. Once that student completes soon his training, he will keep the Cyberspace running as a full time job.
To implement this project, Pellital needs a sum of $2,817. We already have got a donation of $1,000. Click here to access to the full cybercafé budget.
About the project:
- Money still needed: $1,817.00
- Money use: working capital to open a cybercafé in Agnam-Goly
- Responsability and management of the project: Pellital
- Date listed: January, 2013
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