Our Team
Adama Diop was born and raised in the village of Agnam-Goly in Senegal. He studied English at Cheikh Anta Diop public university of Dakar and specialized in English-French translation. Adama is also the author of the popular Wikipedia site about his village, and the official Agnam-Goly website. Currently, Adama is studying in Canada where he hopes to obtain the business skills necessary to contribute to the economic development and growth of his home community. Adama founded Pellital because he is passionate about helping to elevate his home community out of poverty and believes that people from within are the best drivers of change. Adama can be contacted at agnam.goly@gmail.com.
Karen Keppler is an instructor at the University of Winnipeg, the Director of Innovation at the Virtual Business Innovation Centre and a volunteer at the Selkirk and District Community Learning Centre. Karen is planning on having SmarterVillage be the subject of a dissertation. Karen and her husband Alvin are partners in Cathedral Group and they have helped over 500 businesses get started. Upon learning that Adama wanted to study in Canada, Karen and Alvin welcomed him into their home and helped him get started at the University of Winnipeg. SmarterVillage is a project that will connect Agnam-Goly and Winnipeg in many ways over the long term, and will create many lifelong relationships. Karen can be contacted at karen@smartwinnipeg.mb.ca.