Fama Mbodji 
Fama Mbodji is forty-five years old and the mother of eight children. Fama is very well known as a skilled seamstress and her cloth items are in high demand. Fama specializes in the production of bed sheets, traditional men's robes and women's dresses. Fama has been given a loan of $132. She will use the funds to purchase a greater inventory of fabric and thread. Fama already knows she can increase her personal production if she had access to more inventory. She also knows her products are well respected and desired in her community. The small loan of $132 will make a significant difference to Fama's life. The skill of the seamstress and the beautiful colours of the cloth blend into outstanding finished products in Fama's hands.
Updates about Fama:
Fama received a $132 loan to begin sewing shirts, tunics, armbands and hats to be sold in the village. Despite facing difficulties, she managed her loan well and was able to pay the loan back in full while generating profits. To continue to grow her business, she is seeking another loan at an interest rate of 5%. She is highly motivated and is confident that she will expand her business if she is able to acquire a second sewing machine. We are asking that she presents details regarding the price of the sewing machine before we grant the second loan. Fama warmly thanks her lenders.