Aboriginal Business Development Centre
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What is ABDC?


ABDC stands for Aboriginal Business Development Centre.

The Aboriginal Business Development Centre is an organization dedicated to increasing Aboriginal Peoples' participation in business.  ABDC is a partner in the Virtual Business Innovation Centre (VBIC) and hosts VBIC at the Aboriginal Centre. 

ABDC welcomes all people of aboriginal heritage including status, non-status, Metis and Inuit.  Through the partnership with the University of Winnipeg in VBIC, Aboriginal People have access to virtual business incubation either online or in one-on-one counselling sessions.  If you are interested in applying to become a participant in VBIC [click here]

ABDC also offers counselling and seminars in exploring business concepts.  If you are interested in an appointment, call our office at 771-8828 in Winnipeg.